Tuesday. On board Pont Aven.

How lucky we are to have such lovely weather for our crossing. We are about half an hour out of Portsmouth and have settled in the boat by a window, watching the sea. The Isle of Wight is beginning to recede in the blue distance. I can see a lighthouse and some cliffs, but after that, just the profile of the tip of the island as we pass it.
We travelled here easily from Longleat, stopping at Cley Hill (National Trust) to look at the Roman fortifications. Even better, we saw six hares, one yellowhammer, a whitethroat and some linnets. It has been sunny all day and is a glorious evening now.
The boat is huge, but even so, two rather posh ladies managed to find Chris and get him to log their ipad mini onto the wifi network. He told them he had a magic finger, when they asked how he did it, but they said that was b******s. Rude but accurate.
We have sampled the bar, a Stella and an Earl Grey, and will go in search of supper. We have spotted the self service area and have earmarked a salad in celebration of the sunshine.

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