Tuesday 3rd.

Today we cycled 500km. Well, it felt like that anyway. The cycle path round Lago di Trasimeno is much advertised and mentioned in all the adverts. It is not as good as they make it sound. 
We found the hidden entrance (deep in a building site) and headed off, hopefully. All went well for an hour or so...

Through lovely woods and close to the lake. 

Through several wonderful meadows full of wild flowers....

But then there was more Lago and less cycle path...

We took various (unmarked) farm tracks to get to the road to get us past the wet, boggy bits and then headed back down (unmarked) farm tracks and, at one point across a ploughed field, to get back to the path. 
But we persevered and found a lovely lunch spot at the head of the lake...

After we had explored the small town, examined the only aire we have seen ( with free electricity!) and photographed a few things....

we headed back under lowering skies.

But the Robertson effect worked and it only rained on the other side of the lake. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo of the lake and fence, it's beautiful.
