Tuesday. The Carmargue.

Again, we are having a little difficulty blogging, Chris's iPad 3 wasn't able to send, though my prehistoric iPad 1 had more success.

We set out on the bicycles in the morning, thinking it would be cooler and we would see more birdlife. It was cooler and we were glad it was not full sun as we made our way along the cycle path leading away from the town and into the wetlands, the Camargue National Park. There was so much to look at that we made slow progress. At times big, colourful dragonflies would travel apace with us, or swerve across our path, seeming to be just about to crash into us at times. As we approached the entrance to the Park water was being pumped into the lagoon and a string of flamingoes paddled and swilled in the churned up water. Richer water, no doubt. At the edge of the lagoon you could see how red the water is; these flamingoes have naturally pink plumage, nothing needed out of a bottle for the Camargue birds. The path was excellent for almost all the way we chose to do. It had wonderful views on both sides, the sea on one side and the lagoons on the other. In just a few places a great deal of sand had blown onto the path and we had to get off and push for a short distance. We saw dried evaporated river beds covered thickly with salt, white and shiny in the sun. With tracks of some smallish animal criss crossing every so often, coypu perhaps.
Tea break overlooking the water basin, we had a bottle of water and scrummy pastries: long and thin, flaky pastry, filled with vanilla scented creme patissiere, almonds, sugar...I wish I could have another one...ah, wait, I can...I will have another tomorrow.
We have seen Camargue white horses and black bulls, very romantic.Town in the afternoon, very full of tourists, an interesting church with no windows, a fortress against the Saracens. We climbed the tower for a view of the sea and the National Park behind the town.

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