Friday, Camping Itxaspe, Deba, nr Bilboa

Our driving day took us through a lot of different types of landscapes, with interesting geology and varieties of land use to look at as we passed through.

We stopped for a final supermarket session and enjoyed looking at a white stork high-rise apartment block, which was a pylon like structure next to the car park with four or five untidy nests, made of piles of sticks, crammed into the steel work on several levels. Two or three had storks in residence as we looked and we could see the young ones craning their necks asking for food.

As we travelled further West the road and other signs changed from Spanish to yet another language, the language of the Basque countries. The Basque Lands are called Euskadi. The Basques are a very ancient people with a language that is the oldest in Europe, according to the book we have, apparently, even older than Welsh. It has no known relatives. Genetically, ethnic Basques have uniquely persistent European Paleolithic DNA markers - impressively ancient.

Anyway, the site at Itxaspe (note Basque-ness of name) has great views over the sea and the coastal path walks look like being spectacular. We will walk tomorrow.

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